I was in California and we stopped to get a drink at a place called Starbucks. It was seriously my favorite place to get a snack after that, and it still is. At Starbucks, there's something for everyone. If there was a Starbucks everywhere in America, Starbucks would make a lot more money. Also, a lot more kids would get their daily energy or caffeine and that would make them much more energized or motivated to tackle everything they had to do that day. Those are my three main reasons why there should be a Starbucks everywhere in America.
There's something for everyone at Starbucks. Some kids like caffeine. Some kids like healthier choices like bagels. Others like A LOT OF SUGAR. That's my evidence of why there's something for everyone.
It would earn a lot more money for Starbucks. Starbucks would be thriving! Starbucks would have enough money to start their business in other countries like Africa. Lastly, Starbucks would have enough money to maintain or keep all of its shops running and doing well. That's my evidence for why this would help earn money for Starbucks.
A lot more kids would have their energy for the day. Kids could have coffee in the morning to be motivated for school. It could be a delicious day-starter for adults at work. If you're feeling down or tired, go to Starbucks to lighten your mood. That's my evidence for why this would help people to be more energized/motivated.
There should be a Starbucks everywhere in America. There's something for everyone. It would earn a lot more money for Starbucks. More kids would have more energy drinks/snacks. To conclude my essay, the most important thing here, is that there should be a Starbucks everywhere in America.
http://www.starbucks.com/ http://data1.whicdn.com/images/111038029/thumb.jpg